Mold Transfer

Injection Moulding Services
Mold Transfer
Transfer your injection Mold tooling successfully. We understand you will have several concerns when facing the decision to transfer your injection mold(s) to another vendor to run production. Worries about the ability of the new molder to run your tools effectively, produce quality components, and maintain the production schedule to avoid supply chain disruptions. GPP injection mold transfer team has successfully transferred over 145+ injection molds supporting 30 different custom injection molded components manufactured today. Because of our experience, our current customer base has transferred injection molds to us. With our documented systematic approach, we can lead you through this transition step by step.
You’re looking for specific things in your next molding partner, and need assurance we can do the job. Same goes for us – GPP only accepts projects we can confidently deliver. The logical first step for everyone is a candid conversation.
We'll cover all the broad-strokes - timetables, mold size, cavitation and tool condition. Other key information includes expected part volumes, resin and quality requirements and any secondary operations you may need help with.
Our team will help to coordinate the physical transfer of assets from your current supplier to GPP. We will check contents and condition upon arrival and report back to you with all findings.
Within days, your tool will be inspected by one of our skilled technicians. We'll openly discuss any repairs or recommendations we uncover (if any). Then, with your approval, we’ll make those corrections.
Now that your tool is ready, we can hang it and push some plastic. Trials are run using your specified resin, and our team works until we’re making the best possible part. We pass you the samples and await your feedback.
If corrections are needed, our team performs additional trials until we meet your expectations. Then, our Production Team will map out the rest of your manufacturing process (assembly, packing, etc).
Now that we have all the details on the table, we can work up an accurate quote for piece-part pricing, and any secondary services your job requires.
If you’re happy with your samples, and you’re happy with the price... It’s time for you to send us a Purchase Order (PO). That’s the day we can order all raw materials and add your job to the schedule. Once materials arrive – we will launch into production!